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API Testing

Test Evolve can be configured to perform API testing. You will find an example within a new Test Evolve Spark project.


  1. Install a node package such as Axios for making API requests.

    npm install axios
  2. Write your API test with a Cucumber feature and scenario.

Feature: Example API Test Collection using the Chronicling America Open API

Scenario: Users request returns articles that reference a particular location
Given I search for news articles that reference 'Michigan'
Then I receive results that are relevant to my search term
  1. Write your step definitions.
  import {Given, Then} from "@cucumber/cucumber";
import * as apiHelper from '../support/api/apiHelper';

Given(/^I search for news articles that reference '(.*)'$/, async function (data) {
this.searchTerm = data
this.results = await apiHelper.findArticles(this.searchTerm);

Then(/^I receive results that are relevant to my search term$/, async function () {
apiHelper.assertResultsMatch(this.results, this.searchTerm);
  1. Create methods/functions for making API requests and handling responses. Call these functions from your step definitions.
  import axios from 'axios';
import {testEvolve} from "@testevolve/testevolve-spark";

interface Article {
title: string;
start_year?: string;
holding_type?: string[];
url?: string;

interface ApiResponse {
items?: Article[];

export const findArticles = async (searchTerm: string = "new orleans"): Promise<ApiResponse> => {
let headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'

try {
let config = {
method: 'get',
maxBodyLength: Infinity,
url: `${searchTerm}&format=json`,
headers: headers

const response = await axios.request<ApiResponse>(config);'API RESPONSE CODE: ', response.status);
const data =;'API RESPONSE BODY: ', data);
return data;
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(error);

export const assertResultsMatch = (responseData: ApiResponse, searchTerm: string): void => {
const normalise = (str: string): string =>
str.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9\s]/g, '').trim();

const normalisedSearchTerm = normalise(searchTerm);

if (!responseData.items || !Array.isArray(responseData.items)) {
throw new Error('Invalid response data: "items" array not found.');

const failingItems = responseData.items.filter((item) => {
const normalisedTitle = normalise(item.title);
return !normalisedTitle.includes(normalisedSearchTerm);

if (failingItems.length > 0) {
const failingTitles = failingItems
.map((item) => `- ${item.title}`)
throw new Error(
`The following titles do not contain the search term "${searchTerm}":\n${failingTitles}`

export const exampleDataOutputsFromResponse = (responseData: ApiResponse): void => {
if (!responseData.items || responseData.items.length === 0) {
testEvolve.log.warn("No articles found in response.");

if (responseData.items[0]) {'Extract the first object: ', responseData.items[0]);'Extract the "start_year" of the first object: ', responseData.items[0].start_year);'Extract the first "holding_type" of the first object: ', responseData.items[0].holding_type?.[0]);

if (responseData.items[1]) {'Extract the second object: ', responseData.items[1]);

if (responseData.items[2]) {'Extract the "url" of the third object: ', responseData.items[2].url);'Extract the second "holding_type" of the third object: ', responseData.items[2].holding_type?.[1]);
  1. Run your tests.
  npm run test -- --tags "@example_api_test"