The config.yml is the main entry point to the Test Evolve configuration. Here you define the test types for your test run and the environment to execute the tests against.

environment: qa
Specify the environment that the tests will be performed against, as listed in the environments.yml file.
This value can be overridden with the TE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable.

test_types: [browser]
Specify the test types that are being used in your test run. You can add one or many to the array.
language | test type | description |
api | enables api logging options | |
browser | creates a browser for each test to interact with.configured in browser.yml | |
mobile_app | opens a mobile app on a device for each test to interact with. configured in mobile_app.yml | |
desktop_app | automate a desktop application. configured in desktop_app.yml |
The test_types array can be left empty, and Test Evolve will not perform any actions before or after a scenario, however the reporting configured in reporting.yml will still apply.

request_logging: true
option | description |
true | outputs an additional log file to the results folder with all RestClient api calls and responses |
false | does not output an additional log file |

try_with_logging: true
option | description |
true | outputs additional information to the console when using the TryWith feature |
false | does not output additional information to the console |

logging_severity: info
Set the level of logging that should be displayed in the console during a test run. Critical Test Evolve and Cucumber test information will always be output to the console but setting a logging_severity level allows us to stop the logs getting cluttered with Test Evolve runtime information.
When a logging_severity is set only messages at that level or higher will be printed.
language | level | description |
fatal | includes events in Test Evolve that will cause Test Evolve to stop a test run | |
error | includes events in Test Evolve that will cause Test Evolve to stop a test | |
warn | includes events that Test Evolve encounters that does not cause a test to be stopped. example: Test Evolve [1][23:15:44.730] WARN: Unable to clear cookies on this browser version | |
info | recommended - includes useful information about Test Evolve operation. example: Test Evolve [1][23:15:44.730] INFO: Starting test with Chrome on desktop browser using local machine... | |
debug | includes granular information about Test Evolve operation for troubleshooting and development. example: Test Evolve [1][23:15:44.730] DEBUG: Webdrivers - Current version of /Users/test.evolve/.webdrivers/chromedriver is ChromeDriver 83.0.4103.39 | |
trace | not currently used by Test Evolve |
Example config.yml
- Ruby
- JavaScript
environment: qa1
test_types: [browser]
request_logging: true
try_with_logging: true
logging_severity: info
environment: qa1
test_types: [browser]
logging_severity: info