The browser.yml file defines the configuration of the browser that is created for your test run if you have selected it as a test type in config.yml.

source: local
Specify where you want the browser to be created.
language | source | description |
local | create a browser on the machine running the tests | |
browserstack | create a browser using BrowserStack | |
perfecto | create a browser using Perfecto | |
sauce_labs | create a browser using Sauce Labs | |
kobiton | create a browser using Kobiton | |
local_device | create a browser on a device connected to the machine running the tests | |
lambda_test | create a browser using LambdaTest |

default_timeout: 10
Enter the number of seconds that the browser should wait to find an element on a page before failing the test.

implicit_wait: 0
Enter the number of seconds that the browser should implicitly wait before failing. Example: Searching for an element on the page and waiting for a script to complete.

page_load_timeout: 10
Enter the number of seconds that the browser should wait for a page to load before failing the test.

same_browser: true
Reuse the same browser for all tests in your test run.
option | description |
true | reuses the currently open browser for all subsequent tests |
false | opens a new instance of the configured browser at the start of each test |

close_browser: true
Closes the browser once a test has completed, or after all tests are completed if same_browser is true.
option | description |
true | closes the browser at the completion of a test |
false | leaves the browser open at the completion of a test |

clear_cookies: true
Deletes the cookies after each test is completed.
option | description |
true | clears the cookies at the completion of a test |
false | does not clear the cookies at the completion of a test |

If you have configured source to be local
, then the local section defines the configuration for the browser to be
created on the machine the test run is executed on.

platform: desktop
Specify if the browser is to be a desktop or mobile browser.
platform | description |
desktop | browser is created with the configuration in the desktop section |
mobile | browser is created with the configuration in the mobile section |
If you have configured platform to be desktop, then the desktop section defines the configuration for the desktop browser to be created on the machine the test run is executed on.

browser: chrome
Specify the desired browser type for the local test run.
language | browser | description |
chrome | chrome browser is opened locally using the configured chromedriver | |
firefox | firefox browser is opened locally using the configured geckodriver | |
safari | safari browser is opened locally | |
edge | edge browser is opened locally |

maximise: true
Enable to maximise the browser once opened.
option | description |
true | maximises the browser once opened |
false | browser remains at the default size unless overridden by the resize option |

resize: true
Enable to resize the browser to a specified breakpoint once opened.
option | description |
true | resizes the browser to the breakpoint defined in the breakpoint section after it is opened |
false | browser remains at the default size unless overridden by the maximise option |
maximise and resize options cannot both be set to true. If they are both set to false then the browser will remain at the default size.

If you have configured the local browser to resize then this section specifies the configuration of the size of the browser window.
width: 1024
The width to resize the browser window to in pixels.
height: 768
The height to resize the browser window to in pixels.
If you have configured platform to be mobile, then the mobile section defines the configuration for the emulated mobile browser to be created on the machine the test run is executed on.

browser: chrome
Specify the desired browser type for the local test run.
language | browser | description |
chrome | chrome browser is opened locally using the configured chromedriver | |
firefox | firefox browser is opened locally using the configured geckodriver | |
safari | safari browser is opened locally |

device: iphone
Specify the device type for the browser to emulate in the local test run.
Please note - Test Evolve Spark users have different device types available to them depending on which browser they have selected.
For Firefox and Safari in Ruby and Firefox in Javascript, the following emulations are available:
option | description |
iphone | emulate an iphone in the specified browser |
ipad | emulate an ipad in the specified browser |
android_phone | emulate an android phone in the specified browser |
android_tablet | emulate an android tablet in the specified browser |
For Chrome in Ruby and Javascript, you can specify a particular device that Chrome will then emulate. As different versions of Chrome will support the emulation of different devices, follow the guide below to view the available devices for your version:

If you have configured source to be browserstack
, then the browserstack section defines the configuration for the
browser to be created on a Browserstack virtual machine or real device.
In order to use the Test Evolve BrowserStack integration you will need an account with BrowserStack. In order to create a browser using the following configuration you will also need to add a valid username and api key to the accounts.yml configuration file.

platform: desktop
Specify if the browser is to be a desktop or mobile browser.
platform | description |
desktop | browser is created with the configuration in the desktop section |
mobile | browser is created with the configuration in the mobile section |

local_testing: true
Use the BrowserStack binary to allow for testing of locally accessible environments.
For more information on how to setup the BrowserStack binary, visit:
option | description |
true | enables local testing using the BrowserStack binary. if the binary is not running on the machine running the tests, or it is misconfigured the test will fail |
false | the mobile app on the device in BrowserStack will only have access publicly accessible APIs |
Please remove this option from your configuration file.

browserstack_debug: true
Enable the debug logs for the test in BrowserStack. These can be accessed via the BrowserStack dashboard.
option | description |
true | enables debug logging |
false | disables debug logging |

test_name: Regression Tests
This identifier is referred to as Project name in BrowserStack and it can be used to easily identify the results in BrowserStack.

browserstack_options: []
Using this input array, you can now add any valid browserstack capability to configure your test run as required.
Valid capabilities for use in this options array can be found here:
If you have configured platform to be desktop, then the desktop section defines the configuration for the desktop browser to be created by BrowserStack.
Available virtual machines can be found here:
Available configurations can be found using the BrowserStack Capabilities Generator: Select a desktop operating system and browser in the tool and add the values from the generated capabilities to the Test Evolve configuration.

browser: Chrome
The browser to open in the BrowserStack session.

browser_version: 68
The version of the browser to open in the BrowserStack session.

platform: Windows
The OS of the virtual machine in the BrowserStack session.

platform_version: 7
The OS version of the virtual machine in the BrowserStack session.

resolution: 1024x768
The resolution of the virtual machine in the BrowserStack session.

maximise: true
Enable to maximise the browser once opened.
option | description |
true | maximises the browser once opened |
false | browser remains at the default size unless overridden by the resize option |

resize: true
Enable to resize the browser to a specified breakpoint once opened.
option | description |
true | resizes the browser to the breakpoint defined in the breakpoint section after it is opened |
false | browser remains at the default size unless overridden by the maximise option |
maximise and resize options cannot both be set to true. If they are both set to false then the browser will remain at the default size.

If you have configured the local browser to resize then this section specifies the configuration of the size of the browser window.
width: 1024
The width to resize the browser window to in pixels.
height: 768
The height to resize the browser window to in pixels.
If you have configured platform to be mobile, then this section defines the configuration for the device and browser to run the tests against in BrowserStack.
Available mobile devices can be found here:
Configurations can be found using the BrowserStack Capabilities Generator: Select a mobile device and browser in the tool and add the values from the generated capabilities to the Test Evolve configuration.

browser_name: Safari
The browser to open on the BrowserStack device.

platform: ANY
The OS of the BrowserStack device.

device: iPhone 11 Pro
The name of the BrowserStack device.

os_version: 13
The OS version of the BrowserStack device.

orientation: portrait
You can specify whether you want your mobile to be portrait or landscape.

If you have configured source to be perfecto
, then the perfecto section defines the configuration for the
browser to be created on a Perfecto virtual machine or real device.
In order to use the Test Evolve Perfecto integration you will need an account with Perfecto. In order to create a browser using the following configuration you will also need to add a valid username and api key to the accounts.yml configuration file.

platform: desktop
Specify if the browser is to be a desktop or mobile browser.
platform | description |
desktop | browser is created with the configuration in the desktop section |
mobile | browser is created with the configuration in the mobile section |

connection_timeout: 60
Enter the number of seconds to wait for activity in the remote browser before a connection timeout occurs.

If you have configured platform to be desktop, then the desktop section defines the configuration for the desktop browser to be created by Perfecto.
Supported platforms can be found here:

platform: Windows
The OS of the virtual machine in the Perfecto session.

version: 7
The OS version of the virtual machine in the Perfecto session.

browser: Internet Explorer
The browser to open in the Perfecto session.

browser_version: 10
The version of the browser to open in the Perfecto session.

resolution: 1024x768
The resolution of the virtual machine in the Perfecto session.

location: US East
The location of the Perfecto facility.

maximise: true
Enable to maximise the browser once opened.
option | description |
true | maximises the browser once opened |
false | browser remains at the default size unless overridden by the resize option |

resize: true
Enable to resize the browser to a specified breakpoint once opened.
option | description |
true | resizes the browser to the breakpoint defined in the breakpoint section after it is opened |
false | browser remains at the default size unless overridden by the maximise option |
maximise and resize options cannot both be set to true. If they are both set to false then the browser will remain at the default size.

If you have configured the local browser to resize then this section specifies the configuration of the size of the browser window.
width: 1024
The width to resize the browser window to in pixels.
height: 768
The height to resize the browser window to in pixels.
If you have configured platform to be mobile, then this section defines the configuration for the device and browser to run the tests against in Perfecto.
Available mobile devices can be found in realtime in your Perfecto dashboard.

device_id: 123456789
The device to execute the automated tests against in Perfecto.

If you have configured source to be sauce_labs
, then the sauce_labs section defines the configuration for the browser to
be created on a Sauce Labs virtual machine or virtual device.
In order to use the Test Evolve Sauce Labs integration you will need an account with Sauce Labs. In order to create a browser using the following configuration you will also need to add a valid username and api key to the accounts.yml configuration file.

platform: desktop
Specify if the browser is to be a desktop or mobile browser.
platform | description |
desktop | browser is created with the configuration in the desktop section |
mobile | browser is created with the configuration in the mobile section |

test_name: Regression Tests
Names the test session so that it can be easily identified when accessing the results in Sauce Labs.
If you have configured platform to be desktop, then the desktop section defines the configuration for the desktop browser to be created by Sauce Labs.
Available virtual machines can be found here:
Available configurations can be found using the Sauce Labs Platform Configurator: Select WebDriver (W3C) as the API and PC or Mac under device. Then select your preferred operating system and browser in the tool and add the values from the generated capabilities to the Test Evolve configuration.

platform: Windows 7
The OS version of the virtual machine in the Sauce Labs session.

browser: Chrome
The browser to open in the Sauce Labs session.

browser_version: 68
The version of the browser to open in the Sauce Labs session.

resolution: 1024x768
The resolution of the virtual machine in the Sauce Labs session.

maximise: true
Enable to maximise the browser once opened.
option | description |
true | maximises the browser once opened |
false | browser remains at the default size unless overridden by the resize option |

resize: true
Enable to resize the browser to a specified breakpoint once opened.
option | description |
true | resizes the browser to the breakpoint defined in the breakpoint section after it is opened |
false | browser remains at the default size unless overridden by the maximise option |
maximise and resize options cannot both be set to true. If they are both set to false then the browser will remain at the default size.

If you have configured the local browser to resize then this section specifies the configuration of the size of the browser window.
width: 1024
The width to resize the browser window to in pixels.
height: 768
The height to resize the browser window to in pixels.
If you have configured platform to be mobile, then this section defines the configuration for the device and browser to run the tests against in Sauce Labs.
Available virtual machines can be found here:
Available configurations can be found using the Sauce Labs Platform Configurator: Select Appium as the API and (depending on your subscription) an emulated or real device. Then select your preferred operating system and browser in the tool and add the values from the generated capabilities to the Test Evolve configuration.

appium: 1.17.1
The version of Appium to use to connect to the Sauce Labs device.

device: iPhone XS Simulator
The name of the Sauce Labs device.

orientation: portrait
The desired orientation of the Sauce Labs device.

platform_name: iOS
The desired OS for the Sauce Labs device.

platform_version: 13.2
The version of the selected OS for the Sauce Labs device.

browser: Safari
The browser to open on the Sauce Labs device.

If you have configured source to be kobiton
, then the kobiton section defines the configuration for the browser to be
created on a Kobiton real device.

session_name: Regression Tests
Names the test session so that it can be easily identified when accessing the results in Kobiton.

session_description: To demonstrate the integrations of Test Evolve
Describes the test session so that it can be easily identified when accessing the results in Kobiton.

capture_screenshots: false
Captures a screenshot and stores it against your test run in Kobiton.
option | description |
true | captures screenshots during the test execution |
false | does not capture screenshots during the test execution |
This does not affect any settings for locally saving screenshots on failure as set in reporting.yml
This section defines the configuration for the device and browser to run the tests against in Kobiton.
Available mobile devices can be found here: Select an operating system version and browser version to see the matching devices and add the values to the Test Evolve configuration.

device: Pixel 2
The name of the Kobiton device.

orientation: portrait
The orientation of the Kobiton device during test execution.

browser: Chrome
The browser to open on the Kobiton device.

platform: Android
The OS of the Kobiton device.

platform_version: 11
The OS version of the Kobiton device.

If you have configured source to be local_device
, then the local_device section defines the configuration for the
browser to be created on a locally connected device.

command_timeout: 60
Specify the timeout of the connection to the device in Appium.

appium_options: []
Using this input array, you can now add any valid appium capability to configure your test run as required.
local_device only has a mobile section in Test Evolve.

device_name: iPhone X
Specify the name of the connected device to be used in the test run.

browser: chrome
Specify the name of the browser on the connected device to be used in the test run.

platform_name: Android
Specify the operating system on the connected device being used in the test run. This helps Appium select the correct driver to use to connect and manage the device.

platform_version: 10.0
Specify the operating system version on the connected device being used in the test run. This helps Appium select the correct driver to use to connect and manage the device.

udid: emulator-5554
Specify the udid of the connected device being used in the test run. There are different methods to finding this id in Android and iOS.

If you have configured source to be lambda_test
, then the lambda_test section defines the configuration for the
browser to be created on a LambdaTest virtual machine or real device.
In order to use the Test Evolve LambdaTest integration you will need an account with LambdaTest. In order to create a browser using the following configuration you will also need to add a valid username and api key to the accounts.yml configuration file.

platform: desktop
Specify if the browser is to be a desktop or mobile browser.
platform | description |
desktop | browser is created with the configuration in the desktop section |
mobile | browser is created with the configuration in the mobile section |

lambda_test_options: [ ]
Using this input array, you can now add any valid LambdaTest capability to configure your test run as required.
Valid capabilities for use in this options array can be found here:
If you have configured platform to be desktop, then the desktop section defines the configuration for the desktop browser to be created by LambdaTest.
Available virtual machines can be found here:
Available configurations can be found using the LambdaTest Capabilities Generator: Select a desktop operating system and browser in the tool and add the values from the generated capabilities to the Test Evolve configuration.

browser: Chrome
The browser to open in the LambdaTest session.

browser_version: 68
The version of the browser to open in the LambdaTest session.

platform: Windows
The OS of the virtual machine in the LambdaTest session.

maximise: true
Enable to maximise the browser once opened.
option | description |
true | maximises the browser once opened |
false | browser remains at the default size unless overridden by the resize option |

resize: true
Enable to resize the browser to a specified breakpoint once opened.
option | description |
true | resizes the browser to the breakpoint defined in the breakpoint section after it is opened |
false | browser remains at the default size unless overridden by the maximise option |
maximise and resize options cannot both be set to true. If they are both set to false then the browser will remain at the default size.

If you have configured the local browser to resize then this section specifies the configuration of the size of the browser window.
width: 1024
The width to resize the browser window to in pixels.
height: 768
The height to resize the browser window to in pixels.
If you have configured platform to be mobile, then this section defines the configuration for the device and browser to run the tests against in LambdaTest.
Available mobile devices can be found here:
Configurations can be found using the LambdaTest Capabilities Generator: Select a mobile device and browser in the tool and add the values from the generated capabilities to the Test Evolve configuration.

browser: Safari
The browser to open on the LambdaTest device.

device: iPhone 11 Pro
The name of the LambdaTest device.

os: ANY
The OS of the LambdaTest device.

os_version: 13
The OS version of the LambdaTest device.
If you have configured the source to be local, and the browser to be chrome, this section configures options in the chrome browser.

version: default
Set this value to use your currently installed Chrome browser or to use 'Chrome for Testing' to source other CFT versions.
option | description |
default | use your installed production Chrome browser |
117 | use a specified 'Chrome for Testing' major version |
stable | use the latest Stable 'Chrome for Testing' version |
beta | use the latest Beta 'Chrome for Testing' version |
dev | use the latest Dev 'Chrome for Testing' version |
canary | use the latest Canary 'Chrome for Testing' version |

jmeter: true
proxy traffic through Jmeter to record performance testing scripts.
option | description |
true | proxies traffic through port 8888 |
false | does not proxy traffic |

owasp_zap: true
Proxy traffic through Owasp Zap to analyse for security vulnerabilities.
option | description |
true | proxies traffic through port 8080 |
false | does not proxy traffic |

custom_options: []
Provide custom options to Chrome.
Example: Executing your tests in a headless browser
- Ruby
- JavaScript
custom_options: ['--headless']
custom_options: [{ args: ['--headless=new'] }]

accept_insecure_certs: true
Whenever you work with self-signed certificates or some server with a stale or untrusted certificate, most modern browsers display a security warning or invalid certificate errors.
option | description |
true | Accept insecure certificates |
false | Do not accept insecure certificates |
deprecated since


download_location: default
Instruct chrome where to store any downloaded artifacts from a test.
option | description |
default | use the standrad downloads folder |
path/to/folder | choose a specific directory |
If you have configured the source to be local, and the browser to be edge, this section configures options in the edge browser.

version: default
Set this value to use your currently installed Edge browser, or to download a specified version or a release channel version.
option | description |
default | use your installed production Edge browser |
117 | use a specified Edge major version |
stable | use the latest Stable Edge version |
beta | use the latest Beta Edge version |
dev | use the latest Dev Edge version |
canary | use the latest Canary Edge version (not supported for Windows OS) |

jmeter: true
proxy traffic through Jmeter to record performance testing scripts.
option | description |
true | proxies traffic through port 8888 |
false | does not proxy traffic |

owasp_zap: true
Proxy traffic through Owasp Zap to analyse for security vulnerabilities.
option | description |
true | proxies traffic through port 8080 |
false | does not proxy traffic |

custom_options: []
Provide custom options to Edge.
Example: Executing your tests in a headless browser
- Ruby
custom_options: ['--headless']

accept_insecure_certs: true
Whenever you work with self-signed certificates or some server with a stale or untrusted certificate, most modern browsers display a security warning or invalid certificate errors.
option | description |
true | Accept insecure certificates |
false | Do not accept insecure certificates |
deprecated since


download_location: default
Instruct edge where to store any downloaded artifacts from a test.
option | description |
default | use the standard downloads folder |
path/to/folder | choose a specific directory |

version: default
Set this value to use your currently installed Firefox browser, or to download a specified version or a release channel version.
option | description |
default | use your installed production Firefox browser |
117 | use a specified Firefox major version |
stable | use the latest Stable Firefox version |
beta | use the latest Beta Firefox version |
dev | use the latest Dev Firefox version |
nightly | use the latest Nightly Firefox version |

accept_insecure_certs: true
Whenever you work with self-signed certificates or some server with a stale or untrusted certificate, most modern browsers display a security warning or invalid certificate errors.
option | description |
true | Accept insecure certificates |
false | Do not accept insecure certificates |
deprecated since

deprecated since

Example browser.yml
- Ruby
- JavaScript
source: local # local, browserstack, perfecto, sauce_labs, kobiton, local_device
default_timeout: 10
implicit_wait: 0
page_load_timeout: 10
same_browser: true
close_browser: true
clear_cookies: true
platform: desktop # desktop, mobile, tablet
browser: chrome # chrome, firefox, ie, safari, edge
maximise: true # true, false
resize: false # true, false
width: 800
height: 600
browser: chrome # chrome, firefox, safari
device: iphone # iphone, ipad, android_phone, android_tablet
platform: desktop # desktop, mobile
local_testing: false
browserstack_debug: true
test_name: Regression Tests
browserstack_options: []
browser: Chrome
browser_version: 45
platform: Windows
platform_version: 7
resolution: 1024x768
maximise: true # true, false
resize: false # true, false
width: 800
height: 600
browser_name: Safari
platform: MAC
device: iPhone 6S
os_version: 10.3
platform: desktop # desktop, mobile
connection_timeout: 60
platform: Windows
version: 7
browser: Internet Explorer
browser_version: 10
resolution: 1366x768
location: US East
maximise: true # true, false
resize: false # true, false
width: 800
height: 600
device_id: 123456789
platform: desktop # desktop, mobile
test_name: Regression Tests
platform: Windows 7
browser: Chrome
browser_version: 45
resolution: 1024x768
maximise: true # true, false
resize: false # true, false
width: 800
height: 600
appium: 1.6.0
device: iPhone 7
orientation: portrait
platform_version: 10.0
platform_name: iOS
browser: Safari
session_name: Regression Tests
session_description: Regression Test description
capture_screenshots: false
device: iPhone 6S
orientation: portrait
browser: safari
platform_name: iOS
platform_version: 10.2.1
command_timeout: 60
appium_options: []
device_name: Samsung Galaxy Tab A
browser_name: Chrome
platform_name: Android
platform_version: 5.0.2
udid: 1a4f2d81
platform: desktop # desktop, mobile
lambda_test_options: [ ]
browser: Chrome
browser_version: 120
platform: Windows 10
maximise: true # true, false
resize: false # true, false
width: 800
height: 600
browser: Safari
device: iPhone 12
os: ios
os_version: 14
version: default
jmeter: false
owasp_zap: false
custom_options: []
accept_insecure_certs: true
download_location: default
version: default
jmeter: false
owasp_zap: false
custom_options: []
accept_insecure_certs: true
download_location: default
version: default
accept_insecure_certs: true
source: local # local, browserstack
default_timeout: 10
implicit_wait: 5
page_load_timeout: 10
same_browser: true
close_browser: true
platform: desktop # desktop, mobile, tablet
browser: chrome # chrome, firefox, safari, edge
maximise: false # true, false
resize: true # true, false
width: 800
height: 600
browser: chrome # chrome, firefox
device: iPhone 8 # firefox devices - iphone, ipad, android_phone, android_tablet
# chrome devices - use a valid chrome device eg. iPhone X
platform: mobile # desktop, mobile
local_testing: false
browserstack_debug: true
test_name: Regression Tests
browserstack_options: []
browser: Chrome
browser_version: latest
platform: Windows
platform_version: 10
resolution: 1024x768
maximise: true
resize: false
width: 800
height: 600
browser_name: Safari
platform: MAC
device: iPhone 11
os_version: 13.3
orientation: portrait
session_name: Regression Tests
session_description: Regression Test description
capture_screenshots: true
device: iPhone 11
orientation: portrait
browser: safari
platform_name: iOS
platform_version: 14.4
platform: desktop # desktop, mobile
test_name: Regression Tests
platform: Windows 7
browser: Chrome
browser_version: 45
resolution: 1024x768
maximise: true # true, false
resize: false # true, false
width: 800
height: 600
appium: 1.6.0
device: iPhone 7
orientation: portrait
platform_version: 10.0
platform_name: iOS
browser: Safari
version: default
jmeter: false
owasp_zap: false
custom_options: []
download_location: default
version: default
version: default
download_location: default