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M1 architecture

  • We have seen errors running bundle in a testevolve project or installing when installing Ruby via rvm on MacOS, specifically on the newer M1 and above architecture.
  • We narrowed the cause down to openssl, which may already be present on your system via brew, to resolve the issue, you can try the following.

Fixing brew and openssl

brew update

brew unlink openssl && brew link openssl@1.1 --force

echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

Reinstall rvm

rvm implode

\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --auto-dotfiles

Install Ruby, with reference to correct openssl version

rvm install ruby-3.2.4 -C --with-openssl-dir=/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1 --with-opt-dir=$(brew --prefix gmp)


  • There may be an error when trying to install 'mysql2' gem within a project on an M1 architecture Mac.
  • If so, we suggest you try running the below step:

Install mysql2 gem with reference to openssl and zstd:

gem install mysql2 -- --with-openssl-dir=/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1 --with-ldflags=-L/opt/homebrew/opt/zstd/lib