Desktop App Automation Pre-Requisites
If you are using Test Evolve to automate a desktop application using image location, the following tools are required.
Tesseract is an optical character recognition engine that allows us to read text from the screen in order to verify content as part of your automated tests. It is recommended to install the latest stable version, currently 4.1.0.
Prebuilt binaries are available on the Mannheim University Library website.
- MacOS
- Windows
- Linux
You can install tesseract using homebrew.
brew install tesseract
X11 Windows Manager (for Linux only)
X11 Windows Manager is a window manager that runs on top of the X Window System, a windowing system mainly used on Unix-like systems. Unlike MacOS Classic, macOS, and Microsoft Windows platforms which have historically provided a vendor-controlled, fixed set of ways, to control how windows and panes display on a screen and how the user may interact with them; window management for the X Window System was deliberately kept separate from the software providing the graphical display.
- Linux
Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install xorg
Fedora: dnf install xorg-x11-server-Xorg
GNOME Screenshot (for Linux only)
GNOME Screenshot is a desktop environment-agnostic utility for taking screenshots.
- Linux
Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install -y gnome-screenshot
Fedora: dnf install gnome-screenshot